13 March 2025

Webinar on Drug Consumption Rooms: Service Models and Evidence

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This webinar provided an overview of various DCR service models and their impact. The session featured the presentation of our latest brief, which explores the evidence supporting DCRs and their role in harm reduction.

Drug Consumption Rooms: Service Models and Evidence

Drug consumption rooms (DCRs), also known as supervised consumption sites, safe injection sites, and overdose prevention centers, are facilities where individuals can consume illicit drugs under the supervision of healthcare professionals or people with lived experience of substance use. Typically, these facilities offer a clean environment in which to consume drugs, access to sterile drug use supplies (e.g., syringes), immediate emergency response in the event of an overdose, some primary care, and referrals to internal and external services. In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in DCR implementation, including in settings in North America, Latin America and Africa.

DCRs have been subjected to rigorous evaluation in a range of settings. Despite differences in DCR models and settings, this body of observational, quasi-experimental, and mathematical modelling research has been remarkably consistent in detecting health and social benefits of DCR access. It has also been consistent in ruling out unintended negative consequences of DCR implementation (e.g., increases in crime). These findings have been summarised in three peer-reviewed systematic reviews. Specifically, evaluations undertaken in various settings internationally have generated a large, consistent body of evidence indicating that DCRs:

  • Reduce overdose-related morbidity and mortality;
  • Support adoption of safer drug use practices and reduce risk of infectious disease transmission;
  • Facilitate uptake of addiction treatment and other services;
  • Reduce public disorder concerns associated with drug use;
  • Do not increase crime;
  • Are cost–effective.

For the complete briefing, please click here.

Speakers + Presentations

  1. Chair: Colleen Daniels
  2. Overview of the latest HRI brief on DCRs: Thomas Kerr. Thomas Kerr’s slides
  3. DCR in Colombia, Proyecto Cambie: Daniel Rojas Estupiñan. Daniel Rojas’ slides
  4. DCR in Sierra Leone, Social Linkages for Youth Development and Child Link: Habib Tagore Kamara (See Habib Tagore presentation video below):
  5. Key considerations for evidence: Annette Verster.

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