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Funding for Harm Reduction

Harm reduction services are effective and cost effective, saving lives and government funds. However, these services are severely underfunded. At the domestic and international levels, funding for harm reduction is inadequate and shrinking.

We advocate to increase funding for harm reduction by collecting and communicating evidence, developing tools for advocates, and providing strategic analysis on the funding landscape.


The current funding for harm reduction in low- and middle-income countries

$100 billion

Global drug law enforcement expenditure per year


UNAIDS estimate of what is required for adequate harm reduction response in LMI countries

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We provide tools, strategic analysis and evidence to support advocacy for the adequate funding of harm reduction.

Increasing Funding for Harm Reduction

Closing the funding gap in harm reduction requires increased investment from both domestic governments and international donors.

At international level, we advocate for a full Global Fund replenishment and for international donor strategies, policies and processes that optimise the potential for harm reduction funding. At the national level, this involves making the case for investment through budget advocacy.

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Redirecting Funds to Harm Reduction

We spend 750x more on punitive responses to drugs than we do on life-saving services for people who use drugs.

We advocate for redirection of funding for punitive drug control towards life-saving, cost-effective, and rights-based harm reduction interventions and in programmes which prioritise health, community and justice.

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Tracking Funding for Harm Reduction

We use a number of data sources to compile the best available estimate of harm reduction funding.

We monitor harm reduction funding from international donors and domestic governments to provide evidence for advocacy. We develop tools for advocates to track harm reduction funding at local and national level to help them make the case for increased investment.

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