18 April 2019

Advocacy on forms of Violence on death row

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Report to OHCHR on “human rights in the administration of justice, in particular on violence, death and serious injury in situations of deprivation of liberty”, pursuant to Resolution 36/1.

Individuals on death row retain their fundamental rights, and must be granted the same protection and conditions as the general prison population. Despite this, individuals on death row are at a heightened risk of physical and psychological violence. This includes: torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment; sexual violence; severe isolation and abuse of solitary confinement; denial of adequate food, water, and sanitation; denial of contact with family members; and, lack of appropriate healthcare.

This submission to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) focuses on forms of violence on death row, emphasising the heightened vulnerability of women sentenced to death.

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