The Global State of Harm Reduction 2018
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The Global State of Harm Reduction is the only report that provides an independent analysis of harm reduction in the world. The Global State of Harm Reduction 2018 is the sixth edition of this report, and the most comprehensive one yet, thanks to a coordinated effort of over 100 harm reduction practitioners, academics, advocates and activists from around the world.
It finds that, since the last report in 2016, the global harm reduction response has effectively stalled. Overdose, HIV and hepatitis C crises continue, among myriad health and social problems related to drug use and drug policy, yet many countries are neglecting them.
The global state of harm reduction 2018 includes:
- The number of people who inject drugs and the number of people imprisoned for drug use (where data is available).
- Needle and syringe programmes (NSP), opioid substitution therapy (OST), HIV and hepatitis C and TB testing and treatment for people who use drugs, in both the community and in prisons.
- The harm reduction response for people who use amphetamine-type stimulants, cocaine and its derivatives, and new psychoactive substances.
- Drug-checking in nightlife settings.
- Harm reduction for women who use drugs.
- Drug consumption rooms.
- Drug-related mortality and morbidity and the overdose response, as well as naloxone peer distribution in the community and naloxone provision in prisons.
- Developments and regressions in funding for harm reduction.
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